Media reports and announcements regarding the 27 Market Street project can be found here. Click on a headline to be directed to the full story.

8/30/24 — The Daily Star: In Your Opinion: RSS responds to letter

“We have, and continue, to welcome community input and discussion on our plan to redevelop 27 Market Street, but it needs to start with an accurate representation of what this project is: quality, affordable, workforce housing to serve the citizens and community in Oneonta.”

8/22/24 — The Daily Star: In Our Opinion: Community forum can lead to progress

It’s worth pointing out that Rehabilitation Support Services, which has a longtime presence in Oneonta, offers many of the services that residents claimed they wanted offered — housing, employment, addiction treatment and other health and wellness services. The fact that its top brass earn executive-level salaries is irrelevant — many other nonprofit leaders make much more.

8/14/24 — The Daily Star: Community forum centers on city's response to homelessness

Jennifer Morell, who grew up in Otego and moved to Oneonta two years ago after living in Virginia for 20 years, said that any response should address not just housing, but also job training and food access and mental health services.

7/29/24 — The Daily Star: Committee discusses anti-homeless infrastructure

Cecelia Walsh-Russo, unaffiliated-Second Ward, said, "I think we need to be talking more about affordable housing and affordable housing options for the city.”

6/28/24 — The Daily Star: Senior Scene: Retirees will make Oneonta a must-visit destination

RSS has a track record of successful outcomes. The agency has a number of residences in our area, many of them next door to owner-occupied family residences, and their neighbors are hardly aware of their presence.

5/31/24 — The Daily Star: In Your Opinion: Oneonta should invest in human potential

First, it would be a travesty for this council to refuse to seat a proven candidate over a single issue. Secondly, there is no moral or ethical justification for opposing the RSS proposal.

5/16/24 — All Otsego: RSS invites community to Mountain View Social Club open house

Rehabilitation Support Services, Inc. will hold a community open house at the Mountain View Social Club, 9 River Street, on Friday, May 31 from 4-6 p.m.

5/13/24 — Members of Rehabilitation Support Services Invite the Oneonta Community to an Open House at Mountain View Social Club on May 31

The Helping Hands Community Open House promises to be an inclusive, engaging and inspiring event, showcasing the resilience, creativity, and collective spirit of Mountain View Social Club members.

4/23/24 — The Daily Star: Conversations continue on housing, homelessness

Meeting organizer Elayne Mosher Campoli said, “People have ideas and we need a place to bring them, so that we can bring those ideas together and work together to help the community specifically around housing. Also, mental health really came up as a big thing as well, and addiction.”

4/4/24 — All Otsego: A tale of two housing units

Oneonta Mayor Mark Drnek and other city officials have been called to task for courting the RSS project, but their efforts appear to be in line with “Opportunity Oneonta,” the City of Oneonta Comprehensive Plan, updated in 2019 under then-Mayor Gary Herzig.

3/28/24 — The Daily Star: In our opinion: City officials answered important questions

Not only did officials answer every question, the majority of their responses were lengthy, direct and transparent. We're glad to see that local officials, especially elected officials, are displaying responsiveness.

3/26/24 — The Daily Star: City postpones vote on 27 Market St. sale until October

Mayor Mark Drnek said that he wants the council to be invested in determining the minimum requirements of any developer to which the city would sell the parcel. The property had been on the market for several years before the city bought the property in 2020.

3/25/24 — The Daily Star: City answers questions from town hall meeting last month

City Administrator Greg Mattice released a 13-page spreadsheet with 140 transcribed questions and their answers, along with a list of 20 comments. None of the crowd’s questions were excluded from the spreadsheet.

3/15/24 — The Daily Star: Conversations: Breakfast with Christine Nealon of RSS

I found Nealon to be passionate about affordable housing. Oneonta, like most communities, does need housing for those who are most vulnerable.

3/13/24 — All Otsego: Mayor, RSS, others respond to concerns voiced by Citizens That Care group

Regardless of where City of Oneonta residents stand on the 27 Market Street issue—which is still far from being decided—it is to be hoped they arrived at those opinions as a result of research over rumor, and separating fact from fiction. The information does exist to help citizens get informed and make that assessment on their own.

3/5/24 — The Daily Star: Oneonta residents voice opinions on RSS proposal for 27 Market Street

Several speakers said the city should support the plan to bring the mental health and substance abuse services that RSS offers, including housing and employment assistance, to city residents most in need.

3/4/24 — All Otsego: Building a Strong, Balanced Community in Oneonta

We believe in Oneonta, and as a longtime member of this community, RSS wants to be part of the solution. By working together, we can be on the side of history, where growth and progress define Oneonta once again.

2/15/24 — The Daily Star: In our opinion: Camping ban must come with help for homeless

Although the 27 Market Street project is still in its early stages, as it currently stands it aims to provide far more than just low-income housing. Providing resources such as mental health and drug abuse services, along with a more affordable place to live will offer more opportunity to get people off the street.

2/15/24 — The Daily Star: Oneonta council meeting moved to Foothills

In addition to the upcoming council meeting, a town hall meeting has been scheduled for 6 p.m. Feb. 27. Mayor Drnek said the meeting will cover the proposed plan for development of 27 Market St. and provide a larger vision of the plan.

2/8/24 — The Daily Star: RSS responds to criticism of development plan

“We’re still shaping what the project would look like if the facility goes forward,” said Christine Nealon, RSS director of strategic partnerships. “I would be excited to continue these conversations as the project moves forward. It’s conceptual right now.”

1/25/24 — All Otsego: Elected officials report on State of Otsego County

In addressing the need for more housing in Oneonta, Mayor Drnek announced a “re-engagement with RSS, Rehabilitation Support Services, for the development of 50-60 apartments, three-quarters of which will be priced for the workforce: people making $18,000.00-$60,000.00 a year.”

1/19/24 — The Daily Star: Oneonta Common Council hears update on RSS plans

The Oneonta Common Council heard an update on the plan to build a mixed-use building at 27 Market Street during its lengthy meeting Thursday, Jan. 18.

1/2/24 — The Daily Star: Questions to shape process in redeveloping Oneonta site

Rehabilitation Support Services Inc. provided an update Tuesday, Jan. 2 on how conversations with members of the public have been going regarding the group’s proposed redevelopment of 27 Market St. in Oneonta into a mixed-use building. 

12/19/23 — The Daily Star: Rehab service eyes downtown development in Oneonta

Rehabilitation Support Services is considering development at 27 Market Street. The agency presented information to the Oneonta Common Council on Dec. 19 regarding the concept of constructing a mixed-use building.